Borg Challenge: Part Four where I complete the experiment

This is the fourth in a series of reports on a fifty-hour predictive coding experiment using the Borg approach to predictive coding. In this segment my video describes rounds seventeen forward of the machine training. The experiment comes to an end, and none too soon, as I was beginning to feel like a character in a Kafka novel. For these videos to make sense you first need to read and watch Part One, Part Two, and Part Three of the Borg Challenge. Even then, who knows? Kafkaesque videos providing predictive coding narratives based on Star Trek villans are not for everyone.


In the upcoming conclusion to the Borg Challenge I will summarize my findings and conclusions from the experiment and share my written notes.

4 Responses to Borg Challenge: Part Four where I complete the experiment

  1. […] except for methodology. The experiment itself is described in Part One, Part Two, Part Three and Part Four of the Borg Challenge. The results reported in my videos below may surprise […]

  2. ESC says:

    Another paraphase just to make sure I’m following correctly:

    A consistently high (relative to the random distribution) yield of actually relevant docs contained in a series of training doc batch rounds (chosen for you by the computer) would indicate the algorithm is in effect equalizing (?) or rather “kicking-in” ie becoming human in its relevancy judgment, just as you become a blind soulless automaton but still needing a shave.

  3. Ralph Losey says:

    Yes, that’s it, although I would not use the word “equalizing.” It is getting trained to follow my mental model of relevancy. The intelligence is “kicking in” as you put it. Although it really went in spurts as the final, fifth installment shows. Your last comment about becoming human is very funny – it becomes human while I become a soulless character out of a Kafka novel. That’s it alright. Good to know the Borg can grow a beard, but insiders knew that already 😉

  4. […] the Borg Challenge that was previously reported in five installments: Part One, Two, Three, Four and […]

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