Robot Games: the Gamification of Legal Review

Screen Shot 2013-05-08 at 3.54.29 PMThe last blog, Robots With A Story To Tell, illustrated the use of narrative to improve legal search and review. This blog goes a bit further into the not-too-distant future and illustrates the gamification of legal review. Gamification per Wikipedia is the use of game thinking and game mechanics in a non-game context in order to engage users and solve problems. As a life-long computer gamer myself, I appreciate the power of well-designed games. They can engage a player in a timeless flow-state of enhanced concentration. This can go on for hours, days, weeks. Players get better as the game goes on. The power of their minds overcomes their physical fatigue. Why not add this quality control enhancement to legal review? It is sorely needed.

I know that Jon Canty, Partner and Co-Founder of Contact Discovery Services, agrees with me on this topic. We have talked about it a fair amount. Perhaps other review companies and software companies are also interested in this idea. Maybe someone is in a position to take action? If so, please contact me as I have several ideas on how to do it. A few of the more obvious gamification applications are shown in this animation with our robot friends, BYTE and SWITCH. (Thanks to Kip Comack of CACI International, the winner of the name-the-robots contest, for coming up with these clever names. Your book is in the mail.) As usual, this story is told from the perspective of the robots. For best effect open the video to full screen and pause to let the streaming video get ahead.

Gamification can make it easier for legal reviewers to attain an enhanced state of repetitive concentration, a timeless state of flow. That makes them better reviewers, better machine trainers. If you are a serious software developer looking to improve your predictive coding kung fu 功夫武術, let’s talk about possible collaboration. Lawyers working with robots to find the truth, with the help of story and gamified software. These are the next big things in future law.

4 Responses to Robot Games: the Gamification of Legal Review

  1. Ethan says:

    Lawrence Chapin discussed Graham Rollins’ writing on discovery and gamification previously -probably both intersted in it still…

  2. […] Ralph: e-Discovery Team, Robot Games: The Gamification of Review (May 14, […]

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