Cybersecurity Videos

Videos on Cybersecurity vetted and recommended by

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Slick short video on importance of Cybersecurity by Microsoft:


Cyber Security. Evolved. Fast paced video by Deloitte dramatizing a cyber attack. Fun, not facts.


Ten Most Notorious Black Hat Hackers of All Times (so far). Chatty video giving quick info on ten famous hackers.


How Anonymous Hackers Changed the WorldPropaganda by Anonymous on how great they are. Oh please, read the book We Are Anonymous for the true story. Hopefully they will move their attacks to terrorists instead of waste their talents on pranks and crime. The second video indicates some of them are. There is potential for good here, but many of these hackers are young and misguided, and some are outright dangerous. The final video is a CBS News interview of one of the temporary leaders of this allegedly leaderless group, Sabu. His real name is Hector Monsegur. After he was caught on June 7, 2011, he helped the FBI catch the other, then leaders of Anonymous


Cyber Threats & Safeguards to Protect you against AttacksA well done introductory instructional video by Mindset Learn. It explores various common cyber threats and how to protect yourself against these attacks.


CNBC Video Interview of Michael Dubose, Managing Director at Kroll, regarding hacking, mobile devices, and general cybersecurity for home and business.


EFF’s Brad Templeton video talk The Future of Computer Security.


Rethinking Cyber Security Strategy, panel discussion by experts from MIT, Palo Alto Networks, Elastica, Vidder and Cisco at the Rethink Technology conference in 2013. The Cisco expert, Dan Kent, states that over $20 Billion was spent on Cybersecurity is U.S. in 2012; half of that was by the public sector. He also notes than on average malware exists on networks for just over 30 days before detection.


Richard Ledgett: The NSA responds to Edward Snowden’s TED Talk. Hear the government’s reply to Snowden’s 2014 TED Talk Here’s how we take back the Internet.


One Response to Cybersecurity Videos

  1. […] Still, there is more to cybersecurity than just outsourcing. Even when your high value targets are protected, your clients’ data, you must still remain vigilant about securing the information that you still hold and possess, including your emails to clients. Training in security, including cybersecurity, should be a part of every lawyers eduction. It is especially important for lawyers who do electronic discovery. For that reason I have created a new educational resource on cybersecurity that is designed for lawyers. It is found at It can also be accessed by the Security button on the top right of this blog. It not only contains a collection of essays on cybersecurity relevant to attorneys, but also FAQs on Data Breach. I have also put together a collection of favorite books on cybersecurity, including many fictional works, and another page on favorite YouTube cybersecurity videos. […]

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